a64_disassembler.c | |
a64_disassembler.h | |
aarch64.c | |
aarch64.h | |
adapter.c | Holds support for configuring debug adapters from TCl scripts |
adapter.h | |
adi_v5_dapdirect.c | Utilities to support in-circuit debuggers that provide APIs to access directly ARM DAP, hiding the access to the underlining transport used for the physical connection (either JTAG or SWD) |
adi_v5_jtag.c | This file implements JTAG transport support for cores implementing the ARM Debug Interface version 5 (ADIv5) and version 6 (ADIv6) |
adi_v5_swd.c | Utilities to support ARM "Serial Wire Debug" (SWD), a low pin-count debug link protocol used in cases where JTAG is not wanted |
aduc702x.c | |
aducm360.c | |
algorithm.c | |
algorithm.h | |
align.h | |
am335xgpio.c | |
ambiqmicro.c | |
amt_jtagaccel.c | Support the Amontec Chameleon POD with JTAG Accelerator support |
angie.c | |
arc.c | |
arc.h | |
arc_cmd.c | |
arc_cmd.h | |
arc_jtag.c | |
arc_jtag.h | |
arc_mem.c | |
arc_mem.h | |
arm-jtag-ew.c | |
arm.h | Holds the interface to ARM cores |
arm11.c | |
arm11.h | |
arm11_dbgtap.c | |
arm11_dbgtap.h | |
arm720t.c | |
arm720t.h | |
arm7_9_common.c | Hold common code supporting the ARM7 and ARM9 core generations |
arm7_9_common.h | |
arm7tdmi.c | |
arm7tdmi.h | |
arm920t.c | |
arm920t.h | |
arm926ejs.c | |
arm926ejs.h | |
arm946e.c | |
arm946e.h | |
arm966e.c | |
arm966e.h | |
arm9tdmi.c | |
arm9tdmi.h | |
arm_adi_v5.c | This file implements support for the ARM Debug Interface version 5 (ADIv5) debugging architecture |
arm_adi_v5.h | This defines formats and data structures used to talk to ADIv5 entities |
arm_coresight.h | |
arm_cti.c | |
arm_cti.h | |
arm_dap.c | |
arm_disassembler.c | |
arm_disassembler.h | |
arm_dpm.c | Implements various ARM DPM operations using architectural debug registers |
arm_dpm.h | This is the interface to the Debug Programmers Model for ARMv6 and ARMv7 processors |
arm_io.c | |
arm_io.h | |
arm_jtag.c | |
arm_jtag.h | |
arm_opcodes.h | Macros used to generate various ARM or Thumb opcodes |
arm_semihosting.c | Hold ARM semihosting support |
arm_semihosting.h | |
arm_simulator.c | |
arm_simulator.h | |
arm_tpiu_swo.c | This file implements support for the ARM CoreSight components Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) and Serial Wire Output (SWO) |
arm_tpiu_swo.h | |
armv4_5.c | |
armv4_5.h | |
armv4_5_cache.c | |
armv4_5_cache.h | |
armv4_5_mmu.c | |
armv4_5_mmu.h | |
armv7a.c | |
armv7a.h | |
armv7a_cache.c | |
armv7a_cache.h | |
armv7a_cache_l2x.c | |
armv7a_cache_l2x.h | |
armv7a_mmu.c | |
armv7a_mmu.h | |
armv7m.c | |
armv7m.h | |
armv7m_trace.c | |
armv7m_trace.h | Holds the interface to ITM and DWT configuration functions |
armv8.c | |
armv8.h | |
armv8_cache.c | |
armv8_cache.h | |
armv8_dpm.c | Implements various ARM DPM operations using architectural debug registers |
armv8_dpm.h | |
armv8_opcodes.c | |
armv8_opcodes.h | |
asm.h | |
at91rm9200.c | |
at91sam3.c | |
at91sam4.c | |
at91sam4l.c | |
at91sam7.c | |
at91sam9.c | |
at91samd.c | |
ath79.c | |
atsame5.c | |
atsamv.c | |
avr32_ap7k.c | |
avr32_ap7k.h | |
avr32_jtag.c | |
avr32_jtag.h | |
avr32_mem.c | |
avr32_mem.h | |
avr32_regs.c | |
avr32_regs.h | |
avrf.c | |
avrt.c | |
avrt.h | |
batch.c | |
batch.h | |
bcm2835gpio.c | |
binarybuffer.c | |
binarybuffer.h | Support functions to access arbitrary bits in a byte array |
bitbang.c | |
bitbang.h | |
bitq.c | |
bitq.h | |
bits.h | |
bluenrg-x.c | |
bluenrg-x.h | |
breakpoints.c | |
breakpoints.h | |
BUGS | This file contains the Bug Reporting page |
buspirate.c | |
cc26xx.c | |
cc26xx.h | |
cc3220sf.c | |
cc3220sf.h | |
certus.c | |
certus.h | |
cfi.c | |
cfi.h | |
chibios.c | |
chromium-ec.c | |
cmsis_dap.c | |
cmsis_dap.h | |
cmsis_dap_usb_bulk.c | |
cmsis_dap_usb_hid.c | |
command.c | |
command.h | |
commands.c | |
commands.h | |
common.c | |
flash/common.h | |
jtag/drivers/OpenULINK/include/common.h | |
compiler.h | |
config.h | |
configuration.c | |
configuration.h | |
flash/nand/core.c | |
flash/nor/core.c | Upper level of NOR flash framework |
jtag/core.c | |
nand/core.h | |
nor/core.h | Upper level NOR flash interfaces |
cortex_a.c | |
cortex_a.h | |
cortex_m.c | |
cortex_m.h | |
crc32.c | |
crc32.h | A generic CRC32 implementation |
davinci.c | |
debug_defines.h | |
delay.c | |
delay.h | |
dmem.c | This file implements support for the Direct memory access to CoreSight Access Ports (APs) or emulate the same to access CoreSight debug registers directly |
flash/nand/driver.c | |
jtag/drivers/driver.c | |
nand/driver.h | |
nor/driver.h | |
drivers.c | |
dsp563xx.c | |
dsp563xx.h | |
dsp563xx_once.c | |
dsp563xx_once.h | |
dsp5680xx.c | |
dsp5680xx.h | Basic support for the 5680xx DSP from Freescale. The chip has two taps in the JTAG chain, the Master tap and the Core tap. In this code the Master tap is only used to unlock the flash memory by executing a JTAG instruction |
dsp5680xx_flash.c | This file implements the basic functions to run flashing commands from the TCL interface. It allows the user to flash the Freescale 5680xx DSP |
dummy.c | |
dw-spi-helper.h | Driver for SPI NOR flash chips connected via DesignWare SPI Core |
dw-spi.c | Driver for SPI NOR flash chips connected via DesignWare SPI Core |
ecc.c | |
ecc_kw.c | |
ecos.c | |
ecp2_3.c | |
ecp2_3.h | |
ecp5.c | |
ecp5.h | |
efinix.c | |
efm32.c | |
em357.c | |
embeddedice.c | This provides lowlevel glue to the EmbeddedICE (or EmbeddedICE-RT) module found on scan chain 2 in ARM7, ARM9, and some other families of ARM cores |
embeddedice.h | |
embkernel.c | |
encoding.h | |
eneispif.c | |
ep93xx.c | |
esirisc.c | |
esirisc.h | |
esirisc_flash.c | |
esirisc_jtag.c | |
esirisc_jtag.h | |
esirisc_regs.h | |
esirisc_trace.c | |
esirisc_trace.h | |
esp.c | |
esp.h | |
esp32.c | |
esp32_apptrace.c | |
esp32_apptrace.h | |
esp32_sysview.c | |
esp32_sysview.h | |
esp32s2.c | |
esp32s3.c | |
esp_algorithm.c | |
esp_algorithm.h | |
esp_semihosting.c | |
esp_semihosting.h | |
esp_usb_jtag.c | |
esp_xtensa.c | |
esp_xtensa.h | |
esp_xtensa_algorithm.c | |
esp_xtensa_algorithm.h | |
esp_xtensa_apptrace.c | |
esp_xtensa_apptrace.h | |
esp_xtensa_semihosting.c | |
esp_xtensa_semihosting.h | |
esp_xtensa_smp.c | |
esp_xtensa_smp.h | |
etb.c | |
etb.h | |
etm.c | |
etm.h | |
etm_dummy.c | |
etm_dummy.h | |
fa526.c | |
faux.c | |
feroceon.c | |
fespi.c | |
flash/nand/fileio.c | |
helper/fileio.c | |
flash/nand/fileio.h | |
helper/fileio.h | |
fm3.c | |
fm4.c | |
freertos.c | |
ft232r.c | |
ftdi.c | JTAG adapters based on the FT2232 full and high speed USB parts are popular low cost JTAG debug solutions |
gatemate.c | |
gdb_regs.h | |
gdb_server.c | GDB server implementation |
gdb_server.h | |
gowin.c | |
gw16012.c | |
HACKING | This file contains the Patch Guidelines page |
hello.c | |
hello.h | |
hla_interface.c | |
hla_interface.h | |
hla_layout.c | |
hla_layout.h | |
hla_target.c | |
hla_transport.c | |
hla_transport.h | |
hwthread.c | |
image.c | |
image.h | |
nand/imp.h | |
nor/imp.h | |
imx_gpio.c | |
intel.c | |
interface.c | |
interface.h | |
interfaces.c | This file collects all the built-in JTAG interfaces in the adapter_drivers array |
interfaces.h | Exports the list of JTAG interface drivers, along with routines for loading and unloading them dynamically from shared libraries |
io.h | |
ipdbg.c | |
ipdbg.h | |
jep106.c | |
jep106.h | |
jim-nvp.c | |
jim-nvp.h | |
jlink.c | |
jsp_server.c | |
jsp_server.h | |
jtag.c | |
drivers/OpenULINK/include/jtag.h | |
jtag.h | The JTAG interface can be implemented with a software or hardware fifo |
jtag_dpi.c | |
jtag_vpi.c | |
jtagspi.c | |
kinetis.c | |
kinetis_ke.c | |
kitprog.c | |
lakemont.c | |
lakemont.h | |
lattice.c | |
lattice.h | |
lattice_bit.c | |
lattice_bit.h | |
lattice_cmd.h | |
libftdi_helper.h | |
libusb_helper.c | |
libusb_helper.h | |
linux.c | |
linux_header.h | |
linuxgpiod.c | |
linuxspidev.c | Implementation of SWD protocol with a Linux SPI device |
list.h | |
log.c | |
log.h | |
lpc2000.c | Flash programming support for NXP LPC8xx,LPC1xxx,LPC4xxx,LP5410x,LPC2xxx and NHS31xx devices |
lpc288x.c | |
lpc2900.c | |
lpc3180.c | |
lpc3180.h | |
lpc32xx.c | |
lpc32xx.h | |
lpcspifi.c | |
ls1_sap.c | |
jtag/drivers/OpenULINK/src/main.c | |
main.c | |
main.h | |
max32xxx.c | |
mdr.c | |
mem_ap.c | |
minidriver.h | |
minidriver_imp.h | |
mips32.c | |
mips32.h | |
mips32_dmaacc.c | |
mips32_dmaacc.h | |
mips32_pracc.c | |
mips32_pracc.h | |
mips64.c | |
mips64.h | |
mips64_pracc.c | |
mips64_pracc.h | |
mips_cpu.h | |
mips_ejtag.c | |
mips_ejtag.h | |
mips_m4k.c | |
mips_m4k.h | |
mips_mips64.c | |
mips_mips64.h | |
mpsse.c | |
mpsse.h | |
mqx.c | |
mrvlqspi.c | |
angie/include/msgtypes.h | Definition of the commands supported by the ANGIE firmware |
OpenULINK/include/msgtypes.h | Definition of the commands supported by the OpenULINK firmware |
msp432.c | |
msp432.h | |
mspm0.c | |
mx3.c | |
mx3.h | |
mxc.c | |
mxc.h | |
niietcm4.c | |
non_cfi.c | |
non_cfi.h | |
nonce.c | |
npcx.c | |
nrf5.c | |
nuc910.c | |
nuc910.h | |
nulink_usb.c | |
numicro.c | |
nuttx.c | |
nvp.c | |
nvp.h | |
ocl.c | |
ocl.h | |
opcodes.h | |
opendous.c | |
openjtag.c | |
openocd.c | |
openocd.h | |
options.c | |
or1k.c | |
or1k.h | |
or1k_du.h | |
or1k_du_adv.c | |
or1k_tap.h | |
or1k_tap_mohor.c | |
or1k_tap_vjtag.c | |
or1k_tap_xilinx_bscan.c | |
orion.c | |
osbdm.c | |
parport.c | |
pic32mx.c | |
pld.c | |
pld.h | |
presto.c | Holds driver for PRESTO programmer from ASIX |
program.c | |
program.h | |
protocol.c | Implementation of the OpenULINK communication protocol |
protocol.h | |
psoc4.c | |
psoc5lp.c | |
psoc6.c | |
qn908x.c | |
quark_d20xx.c | |
quark_x10xx.c | |
raw_bit.c | |
raw_bit.h | |
reg_ezusb.h | All information in this file was taken from the EZ-USB Technical Reference Manual, Cypress Semiconductor, 3901 North First Street San Jose, CA 95134 (www.cypress.com) |
register.c | Holds utilities to work with register caches |
register.h | |
remote_bitbang.c | |
renesas_rpchf.c | |
replacements.c | |
replacements.h | |
riot.c | |
riscv-011.c | |
riscv-013.c | |
riscv.c | |
riscv.h | |
riscv_semihosting.c | Hold RISC-V semihosting support |
rlink.c | |
rlink.h | |
rlink_dtc_cmd.h | |
rlink_ep1_cmd.h | |
rlink_speed_table.c | |
rlink_st7.h | |
rp2040.c | |
rshim.c | |
rsl10.c | |
rtkernel.c | |
rtos.c | |
rtos.h | |
rtos_chibios_stackings.c | |
rtos_chibios_stackings.h | |
rtos_ecos_stackings.c | |
rtos_ecos_stackings.h | |
rtos_embkernel_stackings.c | |
rtos_embkernel_stackings.h | |
rtos_mqx_stackings.c | |
rtos_mqx_stackings.h | |
rtos_nuttx_stackings.c | |
rtos_nuttx_stackings.h | |
rtos_riot_stackings.c | |
rtos_riot_stackings.h | |
rtos_standard_stackings.c | |
rtos_standard_stackings.h | |
rtos_ucos_iii_stackings.c | |
rtos_ucos_iii_stackings.h | |
rtt/rtt.c | |
target/rtt.c | |
rtt/rtt.h | |
target/rtt.h | |
rtt_server.c | RTT server |
rtt_server.h | |
s3c2410.c | |
s3c2412.c | |
s3c2440.c | |
s3c2443.c | |
s3c24xx.c | |
s3c24xx.h | |
s3c24xx_regs.h | |
s3c6400.c | |
segger_sysview.h | |
semihosting_common.c | Common ARM semihosting support |
semihosting_common.h | |
server.c | |
server.h | |
sfdp.c | |
sfdp.h | |
sh_qspi.c | |
sim3x.c | |
smp.c | |
smp.h | |
spi.c | |
spi.h | |
stellaris.c | |
stlink_usb.c | |
stm32f1x.c | |
stm32f2x.c | |
stm32h7x.c | |
stm32l4x.c | |
stm32l4x.h | |
stm32lx.c | |
stm8.c | |
stm8.h | |
stmqspi.c | |
stmqspi.h | |
stmsmi.c | |
str7x.c | |
str9x.c | |
str9xpec.c | |
svf.c | |
svf.h | |
swd.h | |
swim.c | |
swim.h | This file implements support for STMicroelectronics debug protocol SWIM (Single Wire Interface Module) |
swm050.c | |
sysfsgpio.c | This driver implements a bitbang jtag interface using gpio lines via sysfs |
system.h | |
target.c | |
target.h | |
target_request.c | |
target_request.h | |
target_type.h | |
flash/nand/tcl.c | |
flash/nor/tcl.c | Implements Tcl commands used to access NOR flash facilities |
jtag/tcl.c | Holds support for accessing JTAG-specific mechanisms from TCl scripts |
rtt/tcl.c | |
tcl.h | |
tcl_server.c | |
tcl_server.h | |
telnet_server.c | |
telnet_server.h | |
testee.c | |
threadx.c | |
ti_icdi_usb.c | |
time_support.c | |
time_support.h | |
time_support_common.c | |
tms470.c | |
TODO | This file contains the The List page |
trace.c | |
trace.h | |
transport.c | Infrastructure for specifying and managing the transport protocol used in a given debug or programming session |
transport.h | |
types.h | |
ublast2_access_libusb.c | |
ublast_access.h | |
ublast_access_ftdi.c | |
ucos_iii.c | |
ulink.c | |
usb.c | Defines USB descriptors, interrupt routines and helper functions |
usb.h | |
usb_blaster.c | |
usbprog.c | |
usbtogpio.c | |
usbtojtagraw.c | |
usbtopwr.c | |
usbtoswd.c | |
usbtoxxx.c | |
usbtoxxx.h | |
usbtoxxx_internal.h | |
util.c | |
util.h | |
vdebug.c | Virtual debug interface provides a connection between a sw debugger and the simulated, emulated core. The openOCD client connects via TCP sockets with vdebug server and over DPI-based transactor with the emulation or simulation The vdebug debug driver supports JTAG and DAP-level transports |
versaloon.c | |
versaloon.h | |
versaloon_include.h | |
versaloon_internal.h | |
virtex2.c | |
virtex2.h | |
virtual.c | |
vsllink.c | |
w600.c | |
x86_32_common.c | |
x86_32_common.h | |
xcf.c | |
xds110.c | |
xilinx_bit.c | |
xilinx_bit.h | |
xlnx-pcie-xvc.c | |
xmc1xxx.c | |
xmc4xxx.c | |
xscale.c | |
xscale.h | |
xsvf.c | |
xsvf.h | |
xtensa.c | |
xtensa.h | Holds the interface to Xtensa cores |
xtensa_chip.c | |
xtensa_chip.h | |
xtensa_debug_module.c | |
xtensa_debug_module.h | |
xtensa_fileio.c | |
xtensa_fileio.h | |
xtensa_regs.h | |
zephyr.c | |