Wrapper for transport lifecycle operations.
int(* select)(struct command_context *ctx)
When a transport is selected, this method registers its commands and activates the transport (e....
int(* override_target)(const char **targetname)
int(* init)(struct command_context *ctx)
server startup uses this method to validate transport configuration.
struct transport * next
Transports are stored in a singly linked list.
const char * name
Each transport has a unique name, used to select it from among the alternatives.
bool transport_is_dapdirect_swd(void)
Returns true if the current debug session is using SWD as its transport.
bool transport_is_dapdirect_jtag(void)
Returns true if the current debug session is using JTAG as its transport.
bool transport_is_swim(void)
int allow_transports(struct command_context *ctx, const char *const *vector)
Called by debug adapter drivers, or affiliated Tcl config scripts, to declare the set of transports s...
static bool transport_is_hla(void)
bool transport_is_jtag(void)
Returns true if the current debug session is using JTAG as its transport.
bool transport_is_swd(void)
Returns true if the current debug session is using SWD as its transport.
int transport_register_commands(struct command_context *ctx)
struct transport * get_current_transport(void)
Returns the transport currently being used by this debug or programming session.
int transport_register(struct transport *new_transport)
Registers a transport.