Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 /***************************************************************************
4  * Espressif chips common algorithm API for OpenOCD *
5  * Copyright (C) 2022 Espressif Systems Ltd. *
6  ***************************************************************************/
8 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
9 #include "config.h"
10 #endif
12 #include <helper/align.h>
13 #include <target/algorithm.h>
14 #include <target/target.h>
15 #include "esp_algorithm.h"
17 #define DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_TIMEOUT_MS 40000 /* ms */
20 {
21  if (!stub || stub->log_buff_addr == 0 || stub->log_buff_size == 0)
22  return ERROR_FAIL;
24  uint32_t len = 0;
25  int retval = target_read_u32(target, stub->log_buff_addr, &len);
26  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
27  return retval;
29  /* sanity check. log_buff_size = sizeof(len) + sizeof(log_buff) */
30  if (len == 0 || len > stub->log_buff_size - 4)
31  return ERROR_FAIL;
33  uint8_t *log_buff = calloc(1, len);
34  if (!log_buff) {
35  LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for the stub log!");
36  return ERROR_FAIL;
37  }
38  retval = target_read_memory(target, stub->log_buff_addr + 4, 1, len, log_buff);
39  if (retval == ERROR_OK)
40  LOG_OUTPUT("%*.*s", len, len, log_buff);
41  free(log_buff);
42  return retval;
43 }
46  struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run,
47  uint32_t num_args,
48  va_list ap)
49 {
50  struct working_area **mem_handles = NULL;
52  if (!run || !run->hw)
53  return ERROR_FAIL;
55  int retval = run->hw->algo_init(target, run, num_args, ap);
56  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
57  return retval;
59  /* allocate memory arguments and fill respective reg params */
60  if (run->mem_args.count > 0) {
61  mem_handles = calloc(run->mem_args.count, sizeof(*mem_handles));
62  if (!mem_handles) {
63  LOG_ERROR("Failed to alloc target mem handles!");
64  retval = ERROR_FAIL;
65  goto _cleanup;
66  }
67  /* alloc memory args target buffers */
68  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < run->mem_args.count; i++) {
69  /* small hack: if we need to update some reg param this field holds
70  * appropriate user argument number, */
71  /* otherwise should hold UINT_MAX */
72  uint32_t usr_param_num = run->mem_args.params[i].address;
73  static struct working_area *area;
74  retval = target_alloc_working_area(target, run->mem_args.params[i].size, &area);
75  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
76  LOG_ERROR("Failed to alloc target buffer!");
78  goto _cleanup;
79  }
80  mem_handles[i] = area;
81  run->mem_args.params[i].address = area->address;
82  if (usr_param_num != UINT_MAX) /* if we need update some register param with mem param value */
83  esp_algorithm_user_arg_set_uint(run, usr_param_num, run->mem_args.params[i].address);
84  }
85  }
87  if (run->usr_func_init) {
88  retval = run->usr_func_init(target, run, run->usr_func_arg);
89  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
90  LOG_ERROR("Failed to prepare algorithm host side args stub (%d)!", retval);
91  goto _cleanup;
92  }
93  }
95  LOG_DEBUG("Algorithm start @ " TARGET_ADDR_FMT ", stack %d bytes @ " TARGET_ADDR_FMT,
98  run->mem_args.count, run->mem_args.params,
99  run->reg_args.count, run->reg_args.params,
100  run->stub.tramp_mapped_addr, 0,
101  run->stub.ainfo);
102  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
103  LOG_ERROR("Failed to start algorithm (%d)!", retval);
104  goto _cleanup;
105  }
107  if (run->usr_func) {
108  /* give target algorithm stub time to init itself, then user func can communicate to it safely */
109  alive_sleep(100);
110  retval = run->usr_func(target, run->usr_func_arg);
111  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
112  LOG_ERROR("Failed to exec algorithm user func (%d)!", retval);
113  }
114  uint32_t timeout_ms = 0; /* do not wait if 'usr_func' returned error */
115  if (retval == ERROR_OK)
116  timeout_ms = run->timeout_ms ? run->timeout_ms : DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_TIMEOUT_MS;
117  LOG_DEBUG("Wait algorithm completion");
118  retval = target_wait_algorithm(target,
119  run->mem_args.count, run->mem_args.params,
120  run->reg_args.count, run->reg_args.params,
121  0, timeout_ms,
122  run->stub.ainfo);
123  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
124  LOG_ERROR("Failed to wait algorithm (%d)!", retval);
125  /* target has been forced to stop in target_wait_algorithm() */
126  }
129  if (run->usr_func_done)
130  run->usr_func_done(target, run, run->usr_func_arg);
132  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
133  LOG_ERROR("Algorithm run failed (%d)!", retval);
134  } else {
136  LOG_DEBUG("Got algorithm RC 0x%" PRIx32, run->ret_code);
137  }
139 _cleanup:
140  /* free memory arguments */
141  if (mem_handles) {
142  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < run->mem_args.count; i++) {
143  if (mem_handles[i])
144  target_free_working_area(target, mem_handles[i]);
145  }
146  free(mem_handles);
147  }
148  run->hw->algo_cleanup(target, run);
150  return retval;
151 }
154  struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run,
155  uint32_t num_args,
156  va_list ap)
157 {
158  if (!run || !run->hw)
159  return ERROR_FAIL;
161  int retval = run->hw->algo_init(target, run, num_args, ap);
162  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
163  return retval;
165  LOG_DEBUG("Algorithm start @ " TARGET_ADDR_FMT ", stack %d bytes @ " TARGET_ADDR_FMT,
166  run->stub.tramp_mapped_addr, run->stack_size, run->stub.stack_addr);
168  run->mem_args.count, run->mem_args.params,
169  run->reg_args.count, run->reg_args.params,
170  run->stub.tramp_mapped_addr, 0,
171  run->stub.ainfo);
172  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
173  LOG_ERROR("Failed to start algorithm (%d)!", retval);
174  goto _cleanup;
175  }
177  uint32_t timeout_ms = 0; /* do not wait if 'usr_func' returned error */
178  if (retval == ERROR_OK)
179  timeout_ms = run->timeout_ms ? run->timeout_ms : DEFAULT_ALGORITHM_TIMEOUT_MS;
180  LOG_DEBUG("Wait algorithm completion");
181  retval = target_wait_algorithm(target,
182  run->mem_args.count, run->mem_args.params,
183  run->reg_args.count, run->reg_args.params,
184  0, timeout_ms,
185  run->stub.ainfo);
186  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
187  LOG_ERROR("Failed to wait algorithm (%d)!", retval);
188  /* target has been forced to stop in target_wait_algorithm() */
189  }
191  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
192  LOG_ERROR("Algorithm run failed (%d)!", retval);
193  } else {
195  LOG_DEBUG("Got algorithm RC 0x%" PRIx32, run->ret_code);
196  }
198 _cleanup:
199  run->hw->algo_cleanup(target, run);
201  return retval;
202 }
204 static void reverse_binary(const uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, size_t length)
205 {
206  size_t remaining = length % 4;
207  size_t offset = 0;
208  size_t aligned_len = ALIGN_UP(length, 4);
210  if (remaining > 0) {
211  /* Put extra bytes to the beginning with padding */
212  memset(dest + remaining, 0xFF, 4 - remaining);
213  for (size_t i = 0; i < remaining; i++)
214  dest[i] = src[length - remaining + i];
215  length -= remaining; /* reverse the others */
216  offset = 4;
217  }
219  for (size_t i = offset; i < aligned_len; i += 4) {
220  dest[i + 0] = src[length - i + offset - 4];
221  dest[i + 1] = src[length - i + offset - 3];
222  dest[i + 2] = src[length - i + offset - 2];
223  dest[i + 3] = src[length - i + offset - 1];
224  }
225 }
228  struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run,
229  int section_num,
230  bool reverse)
231 {
232  if (!run)
233  return ERROR_FAIL;
235  struct imagesection *section = &run->image.image.sections[section_num];
236  uint32_t sec_wr = 0;
237  uint8_t buf[1024];
239  assert(sizeof(buf) % 4 == 0);
241  while (sec_wr < section->size) {
242  uint32_t nb = section->size - sec_wr > sizeof(buf) ? sizeof(buf) : section->size - sec_wr;
243  size_t size_read = 0;
244  int retval = image_read_section(&run->image.image, section_num, sec_wr, nb, buf, &size_read);
245  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
246  LOG_ERROR("Failed to read stub section (%d)!", retval);
247  return retval;
248  }
250  if (reverse) {
251  size_t aligned_len = ALIGN_UP(size_read, 4);
252  uint8_t reversed_buf[aligned_len];
254  /* Send original size to allow padding */
255  reverse_binary(buf, reversed_buf, size_read);
257  /*
258  The address range accessed via the instruction bus is in reverse order (word-wise) compared to access
259  via the data bus. That is to say, address
260  0x3FFE_0000 and 0x400B_FFFC access the same word
261  0x3FFE_0004 and 0x400B_FFF8 access the same word
262  0x3FFE_0008 and 0x400B_FFF4 access the same word
263  ...
264  The data bus and instruction bus of the CPU are still both little-endian,
265  so the byte order of individual words is not reversed between address spaces.
266  For example, address
267  0x3FFE_0000 accesses the least significant byte in the word accessed by 0x400B_FFFC.
268  0x3FFE_0001 accesses the second least significant byte in the word accessed by 0x400B_FFFC.
269  0x3FFE_0002 accesses the second most significant byte in the word accessed by 0x400B_FFFC.
270  For more details, please refer to ESP32 TRM, Internal SRAM1 section.
271  */
272  retval = target_write_buffer(target, run->image.dram_org - sec_wr - aligned_len, aligned_len, reversed_buf);
273  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
274  LOG_ERROR("Failed to write stub section!");
275  return retval;
276  }
277  } else {
278  retval = target_write_buffer(target, section->base_address + sec_wr, size_read, buf);
279  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
280  LOG_ERROR("Failed to write stub section!");
281  return retval;
282  }
283  }
285  sec_wr += size_read;
286  }
288  return ERROR_OK;
289 }
291 /*
292  * Configuration:
293  * ----------------------------
294  * The linker scripts defines the memory layout for the stub code.
295  * The OpenOCD script specifies the workarea address and it's size
296  * Sections defined in the linker are organized to share the same addresses with the workarea.
297  * code and data sections are located in Internal SRAM1 and OpenOCD fills these sections using the data bus.
298  */
300 {
301  int retval;
302  size_t tramp_sz = 0;
303  const uint8_t *tramp = NULL;
304  struct duration algo_time;
305  bool alloc_code_working_area = true;
307  if (!run || !run->hw)
308  return ERROR_FAIL;
310  if (duration_start(&algo_time) != 0) {
311  LOG_ERROR("Failed to start algo time measurement!");
312  return ERROR_FAIL;
313  }
315  if (run->hw->stub_tramp_get) {
316  tramp = run->hw->stub_tramp_get(target, &tramp_sz);
317  if (!tramp)
318  return ERROR_FAIL;
319  }
321  LOG_DEBUG("stub: base 0x%x, start 0x%" PRIx32 ", %d sections",
322  run->image.image.base_address_set ? (unsigned int)run->image.image.base_address : 0,
324  run->image.image.num_sections);
325  run->stub.entry = run->image.image.start_address;
327  /* [code + trampoline] + <padding> + [data] */
329  /* ESP32 has reversed memory region. It will use the last part of DRAM, the others will use the first part.
330  * To avoid complexity for the backup/restore process, we will allocate a workarea for all IRAM region from
331  * the beginning. In that case no need to have a padding area.
332  */
333  if (run->image.reverse) {
335  LOG_ERROR("no working area available, can't alloc space for stub code!");
337  goto _on_error;
338  }
339  alloc_code_working_area = false;
340  }
342  uint32_t code_size = 0;
344  /* Load code section */
345  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < run->image.image.num_sections; i++) {
346  struct imagesection *section = &run->image.image.sections[i];
348  if (section->size == 0)
349  continue;
351  if (section->flags & ESP_IMAGE_ELF_PHF_EXEC) {
352  LOG_DEBUG("addr " TARGET_ADDR_FMT ", sz %d, flags %" PRIx64,
353  section->base_address, section->size, section->flags);
355  if (alloc_code_working_area) {
356  retval = target_alloc_working_area(target, section->size, &run->stub.code);
357  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
358  LOG_ERROR("no working area available, can't alloc space for stub code!");
360  goto _on_error;
361  }
362  }
364  if (section->base_address == 0) {
365  section->base_address = run->stub.code->address;
366  /* sanity check, stub is compiled to be run from working area */
367  } else if (run->stub.code->address != section->base_address) {
368  LOG_ERROR("working area " TARGET_ADDR_FMT " and stub code section " TARGET_ADDR_FMT
369  " address mismatch!",
370  section->base_address,
371  run->stub.code->address);
372  retval = ERROR_FAIL;
373  goto _on_error;
374  }
376  retval = load_section_from_image(target, run, i, run->image.reverse);
377  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
378  goto _on_error;
380  code_size += ALIGN_UP(section->size, 4);
381  break; /* Stub has one executable text section */
382  }
383  }
385  /* If exists, load trampoline to the code area */
386  if (tramp) {
387  if (run->stub.tramp_addr == 0) {
388  if (alloc_code_working_area) {
389  /* alloc trampoline in code working area */
390  if (target_alloc_working_area(target, tramp_sz, &run->stub.tramp) != ERROR_OK) {
391  LOG_ERROR("no working area available, can't alloc space for stub jumper!");
393  goto _on_error;
394  }
395  run->stub.tramp_addr = run->stub.tramp->address;
396  }
397  }
399  size_t al_tramp_size = ALIGN_UP(tramp_sz, 4);
401  if (run->image.reverse) {
402  target_addr_t reversed_tramp_addr = run->image.dram_org - code_size;
403  uint8_t reversed_tramp[al_tramp_size];
405  /* Send original size to allow padding */
406  reverse_binary(tramp, reversed_tramp, tramp_sz);
407  run->stub.tramp_addr = reversed_tramp_addr - al_tramp_size;
408  LOG_DEBUG("Write reversed tramp to addr " TARGET_ADDR_FMT ", sz %zu", run->stub.tramp_addr, al_tramp_size);
409  retval = target_write_buffer(target, run->stub.tramp_addr, al_tramp_size, reversed_tramp);
410  } else {
411  LOG_DEBUG("Write tramp to addr " TARGET_ADDR_FMT ", sz %zu", run->stub.tramp_addr, tramp_sz);
412  retval = target_write_buffer(target, run->stub.tramp_addr, tramp_sz, tramp);
413  }
415  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
416  LOG_ERROR("Failed to write stub jumper!");
417  goto _on_error;
418  }
420  run->stub.tramp_mapped_addr = run->image.iram_org + code_size;
421  code_size += al_tramp_size;
422  LOG_DEBUG("Tramp mapped to addr " TARGET_ADDR_FMT, run->stub.tramp_mapped_addr);
423  }
425  /* allocate dummy space until the data address */
426  if (alloc_code_working_area) {
427  /* we dont need to restore padding area. */
428  uint32_t backup_working_area_prev = target->backup_working_area;
430  if (target_alloc_working_area(target, run->image.iram_len - code_size, &run->stub.padding) != ERROR_OK) {
431  LOG_ERROR("no working area available, can't alloc space for stub code!");
433  goto _on_error;
434  }
435  target->backup_working_area = backup_working_area_prev;
436  }
438  /* Load the data section */
439  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < run->image.image.num_sections; i++) {
440  struct imagesection *section = &run->image.image.sections[i];
442  if (section->size == 0)
443  continue;
445  if (!(section->flags & ESP_IMAGE_ELF_PHF_EXEC)) {
446  LOG_DEBUG("addr " TARGET_ADDR_FMT ", sz %d, flags %" PRIx64, section->base_address, section->size,
447  section->flags);
448  /* target_alloc_working_area() aligns the whole working area size to 4-byte boundary.
449  We alloc one area for both DATA and BSS, so align each of them ourselves. */
450  uint32_t data_sec_sz = ALIGN_UP(section->size, 4);
451  LOG_DEBUG("DATA sec size %" PRIu32 " -> %" PRIu32, section->size, data_sec_sz);
452  uint32_t bss_sec_sz = ALIGN_UP(run->image.bss_size, 4);
453  LOG_DEBUG("BSS sec size %" PRIu32 " -> %" PRIu32, run->image.bss_size, bss_sec_sz);
454  if (target_alloc_working_area(target, data_sec_sz + bss_sec_sz, &run-> != ERROR_OK) {
455  LOG_ERROR("no working area available, can't alloc space for stub data!");
457  goto _on_error;
458  }
459  if (section->base_address == 0) {
460  section->base_address = run->>address;
461  /* sanity check, stub is compiled to be run from working area */
462  } else if (run->>address != section->base_address) {
463  LOG_ERROR("working area " TARGET_ADDR_FMT
464  " and stub data section " TARGET_ADDR_FMT
465  " address mismatch!",
466  section->base_address,
467  run->>address);
468  retval = ERROR_FAIL;
469  goto _on_error;
470  }
472  retval = load_section_from_image(target, run, i, false);
473  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
474  goto _on_error;
475  }
476  }
478  /* stack */
479  if (run->stub.stack_addr == 0 && run->stack_size > 0) {
480  /* allocate stack in data working area */
482  LOG_ERROR("no working area available, can't alloc stub stack!");
484  goto _on_error;
485  }
486  run->stub.stack_addr = run->stub.stack->address + run->stack_size;
487  }
489  if (duration_measure(&algo_time) != 0) {
490  LOG_ERROR("Failed to stop algo run measurement!");
491  retval = ERROR_FAIL;
492  goto _on_error;
493  }
494  LOG_DEBUG("Stub loaded in %g ms", duration_elapsed(&algo_time) * 1000);
495  return ERROR_OK;
497 _on_error:
499  return retval;
500 }
503 {
504  if (!run)
505  return ERROR_FAIL;
509  run->stub.tramp = NULL;
510  run->stub.stack = NULL;
511  run->stub.code = NULL;
512  run-> = NULL;
513  run->stub.padding = NULL;
515  return ERROR_OK;
516 }
519  struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run,
520  uint32_t num_args,
521  va_list ap)
522 {
523  if (!run || !run->image.image.start_address_set || run->image.image.start_address == 0)
524  return ERROR_FAIL;
526  return esp_algorithm_run_image(target, run, num_args, ap);
527 }
530 {
531  int res;
532  const uint8_t *tramp = NULL;
533  size_t tramp_sz = 0;
534  struct duration algo_time;
536  if (!run || !run->hw)
537  return ERROR_FAIL;
539  if (duration_start(&algo_time) != 0) {
540  LOG_ERROR("Failed to start algo time measurement!");
541  return ERROR_FAIL;
542  }
544  if (run->hw->stub_tramp_get) {
545  tramp = run->hw->stub_tramp_get(target, &tramp_sz);
546  if (!tramp)
547  return ERROR_FAIL;
548  }
550  if (tramp_sz > run->on_board.code_buf_size) {
551  LOG_ERROR("Stub tramp size %zu bytes exceeds target buf size %d bytes!",
552  tramp_sz, run->on_board.code_buf_size);
554  }
556  if (run->stack_size > run->on_board.min_stack_size) {
557  LOG_ERROR("Algorithm stack size not fit into the allocated target stack!");
558  return ERROR_FAIL;
559  }
561  run->stub.stack_addr = run->on_board.min_stack_addr + run->stack_size;
562  run->stub.tramp_addr = run->on_board.code_buf_addr;
564  run->stub.entry = func_addr;
566  if (tramp) {
567  res = target_write_buffer(target, run->stub.tramp_addr, tramp_sz, tramp);
568  if (res != ERROR_OK) {
569  LOG_ERROR("Failed to write stub jumper!");
571  return res;
572  }
573  }
575  if (duration_measure(&algo_time) != 0) {
576  LOG_ERROR("Failed to stop algo run measurement!");
577  return ERROR_FAIL;
578  }
579  LOG_DEBUG("Stub loaded in %g ms", duration_elapsed(&algo_time) * 1000);
581  return ERROR_OK;
582 }
585 {
586  return ERROR_OK;
587 }
590  struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run,
591  uint32_t num_args,
592  va_list ap)
593 {
594  return esp_algorithm_run_debug_stub(target, run, num_args, ap);
595 }
#define ALIGN_UP(x, a)
Definition: align.h:20
uint32_t size
Size of dw_spi_transaction::buffer.
Definition: dw-spi-helper.h:4
static void reverse_binary(const uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dest, size_t length)
int esp_algorithm_exec_onboard_func_va(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, uint32_t num_args, va_list ap)
static int esp_algorithm_run_debug_stub(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, uint32_t num_args, va_list ap)
static int esp_algorithm_run_image(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, uint32_t num_args, va_list ap)
Definition: esp_algorithm.c:45
Definition: esp_algorithm.c:17
int esp_algorithm_load_func_image(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run)
static int esp_algorithm_read_stub_logs(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_stub *stub)
Definition: esp_algorithm.c:19
int esp_algorithm_unload_onboard_func(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run)
int esp_algorithm_unload_func_image(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run)
static int load_section_from_image(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, int section_num, bool reverse)
int esp_algorithm_exec_func_image_va(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, uint32_t num_args, va_list ap)
int esp_algorithm_load_onboard_func(struct target *target, target_addr_t func_addr, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run)
static uint64_t esp_algorithm_user_arg_get_uint(struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, int arg_num)
Get the value of an argument passed via registers from the stub main function.
static void esp_algorithm_user_arg_set_uint(struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, int arg_num, uint64_t val)
Set the value of an argument passed via registers to the stub main function.
uint8_t length
Definition: esp_usb_jtag.c:1
int image_read_section(struct image *image, int section, target_addr_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer, size_t *size_read)
Definition: image.c:1079
void alive_sleep(uint64_t ms)
Definition: log.c:467
#define LOG_OUTPUT(expr ...)
Definition: log.h:142
#define ERROR_FAIL
Definition: log.h:174
#define LOG_ERROR(expr ...)
Definition: log.h:133
#define LOG_DEBUG(expr ...)
Definition: log.h:110
#define ERROR_OK
Definition: log.h:168
int(* algo_init)(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, uint32_t num_args, va_list ap)
int(* algo_cleanup)(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run)
const uint8_t *(* stub_tramp_get)(struct target *target, size_t *size)
uint32_t iram_len
Total reserved IRAM size.
struct image image
bool reverse
IRAM DRAM address range reversed or not.
uint32_t bss_size
BSS section size.
uint32_t dram_org
DRAM start address in the linker script.
uint32_t iram_org
IRAM start address in the linker script.
uint32_t count
Number of memory params.
struct mem_param * params
Memory params.
struct reg_param * params
Algorithm register params.
uint32_t count
Number of register params.
Algorithm run data.
struct esp_algorithm_reg_args reg_args
Algorithm register arguments.
struct esp_algorithm_mem_args mem_args
Algorithm memory arguments.
void * usr_func_arg
Host side algorithm function argument.
uint32_t timeout_ms
Algorithm completion timeout in ms.
const struct esp_algorithm_hw * hw
HW specific API.
struct esp_algorithm_image image
void(* usr_func_done)(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, void *usr_arg)
Algorithm's arguments cleanup function.
struct esp_algorithm_stub stub
uint32_t stack_size
Algorithm stack size.
int(* usr_func_init)(struct target *target, struct esp_algorithm_run_data *run, void *usr_arg)
Algorithm's arguments setup function.
int32_t ret_code
Algorithm return code.
int(* usr_func)(struct target *target, void *usr_arg)
Host part of algorithm.
struct esp_algorithm_run_data::@97::@99 on_board
Algorithm stub data.
target_addr_t stack_addr
Address of the target buffer for stack.
target_addr_t tramp_addr
Address of the target buffer for stub trampoline.
void * ainfo
Algorithm's arch-specific info.
uint32_t log_buff_size
Size of the log buffer.
struct working_area * padding
Working area for padding between code and data area.
target_addr_t tramp_mapped_addr
Tramp code area will be filled from dbus.
struct working_area * data
Working area for data segment.
struct working_area * tramp
Working area for trampoline.
target_addr_t log_buff_addr
Address of the log buffer.
struct working_area * stack
Working area for stack.
target_addr_t entry
Entry addr.
struct working_area * code
Working area for code segment.
uint32_t start_address
Definition: image.h:56
unsigned int num_sections
Definition: image.h:51
bool start_address_set
Definition: image.h:55
struct imagesection * sections
Definition: image.h:52
long long base_address
Definition: image.h:54
bool base_address_set
Definition: image.h:53
uint64_t flags
Definition: image.h:44
target_addr_t base_address
Definition: image.h:42
uint32_t size
Definition: image.h:43
uint32_t size
Definition: algorithm.h:22
target_addr_t address
Definition: algorithm.h:21
Definition: target.h:116
bool backup_working_area
Definition: target.h:152
bool free
Definition: target.h:88
target_addr_t address
Definition: target.h:86
void target_free_all_working_areas(struct target *target)
Definition: target.c:2151
int target_write_buffer(struct target *target, target_addr_t address, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *buffer)
Definition: target.c:2343
int target_alloc_working_area(struct target *target, uint32_t size, struct working_area **area)
Definition: target.c:2061
int target_free_working_area(struct target *target, struct working_area *area)
Free a working area.
Definition: target.c:2119
int target_read_u32(struct target *target, target_addr_t address, uint32_t *value)
Definition: target.c:2551
int target_read_memory(struct target *target, target_addr_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint8_t *buffer)
Read count items of size bytes from the memory of target at the address given.
Definition: target.c:1238
int target_wait_algorithm(struct target *target, int num_mem_params, struct mem_param *mem_params, int num_reg_params, struct reg_param *reg_params, target_addr_t exit_point, unsigned int timeout_ms, void *arch_info)
Waits for an algorithm started with target_start_algorithm() to complete.
Definition: target.c:859
int target_start_algorithm(struct target *target, int num_mem_params, struct mem_param *mem_params, int num_reg_params, struct reg_param *reg_params, target_addr_t entry_point, target_addr_t exit_point, void *arch_info)
Executes a target-specific native code algorithm and leaves it running.
Definition: target.c:815
Definition: target.h:794
float duration_elapsed(const struct duration *duration)
Definition: time_support.c:83
int duration_measure(struct duration *duration)
Update the duration->elapsed field to finish the duration measurement.
Definition: time_support.c:74
int duration_start(struct duration *duration)
Update the duration->start field to start the duration measurement.
Definition: time_support.c:69
Definition: types.h:342
uint64_t target_addr_t
Definition: types.h:335
#define NULL
Definition: usb.h:16
uint8_t offset[4]
Definition: vdebug.c:9