Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 /***************************************************************************
4  * Copyright (C) 2015 by Ivan Buliev *
5  * *
6  ***************************************************************************/
8 /***************************************************************************
9  * This version for ADuCM360 is largely based on the following flash *
10  * drivers: *
11  * - aduc702x.c *
12  * Copyright (C) 2008 by Kevin McGuire *
13  * Copyright (C) 2008 by Marcel Wijlaars *
14  * Copyright (C) 2009 by Michael Ashton *
15  * and *
16  * - stm32f1x.c *
17  * Copyright (C) 2005 by Dominic Rath *
18  * *
19  * *
20  * Copyright (C) 2008 by Spencer Oliver *
21  * *
22  * *
23  * Copyright (C) 2011 by Andreas Fritiofson *
24  * *
25  ***************************************************************************/
27 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
28 #include "config.h"
29 #endif
31 #include "imp.h"
32 #include <helper/binarybuffer.h>
33 #include <helper/time_support.h>
34 #include <target/algorithm.h>
35 #include <target/armv7m.h>
37 static int aducm360_build_sector_list(struct flash_bank *bank);
38 static int aducm360_check_flash_completion(struct target *target, unsigned int timeout_ms);
39 static int aducm360_set_write_enable(struct target *target, int enable);
41 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_BASE 0x40002800
42 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEESTA 0x0000
43 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEECON0 0x0004
44 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEECMD 0x0008
45 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEADR0L 0x0010
46 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEADR0H 0x0014
47 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEADR1L 0x0018
48 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEADR1H 0x001C
49 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEKEY 0x0020
50 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEPROL 0x0028
51 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEPROH 0x002C
52 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEESIGL 0x0030
53 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEESIGH 0x0034
54 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEECON1 0x0038
55 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEADRAL 0x0048
56 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEADRAH 0x004C
57 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEAEN0 0x0078
58 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEAEN1 0x007C
59 #define ADUCM360_FLASH_FEEAEN2 0x0080
61 /* flash bank aducm360 0 0 0 0 <target#> */
62 FLASH_BANK_COMMAND_HANDLER(aducm360_flash_bank_command)
63 {
64  bank->base = 0x00000000;
65  bank->size = 0x00020000;
69  return ERROR_OK;
70 }
72 #define FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE 512
74 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
76 {
77  uint32_t offset = 0;
79  /* sector size is 512 */
80  bank->num_sectors = bank->size / FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
81  bank->sectors = malloc(sizeof(struct flash_sector) * bank->num_sectors);
82  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bank->num_sectors; ++i) {
83  bank->sectors[i].offset = offset;
84  bank->sectors[i].size = FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
85  offset += bank->sectors[i].size;
86  bank->sectors[i].is_erased = -1;
87  bank->sectors[i].is_protected = 0;
88  }
90  return ERROR_OK;
91 }
93 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
94 static int aducm360_mass_erase(struct target *target)
95 {
96  uint32_t value;
97  int res = ERROR_OK;
99  /* Clear any old status */
102  /* Enable the writing to the flash*/
105  /* Unlock for writing */
108  /* Issue the 'MASSERASE' command */
111  /* Check the result */
113  if (res != ERROR_OK) {
114  LOG_ERROR("mass erase failed.");
117  }
119  return res;
120 }
122 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
123 static int aducm360_page_erase(struct target *target, uint32_t padd)
124 {
125  uint32_t value;
126  int res = ERROR_OK;
128  /* Clear any old status */
131  /* Enable the writing to the flash*/
134  /* Unlock for writing */
137  /* Write the sector address */
140  /* Issue the 'ERASEPAGE' command */
143  /* Check the result */
145  if (res != ERROR_OK) {
146  LOG_ERROR("page erase failed at 0x%08" PRIx32, padd);
149  }
151  return res;
152 }
154 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
155 static int aducm360_erase(struct flash_bank *bank, unsigned int first,
156  unsigned int last)
157 {
158  int res = ERROR_OK;
159  int i;
160  int count;
161  struct target *target = bank->target;
162  uint32_t padd;
164  if (((first | last) == 0) || ((first == 0) && (last >= bank->num_sectors))) {
166  } else {
167  count = last - first + 1;
168  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
169  padd = bank->base + ((first+i)*FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
170  res = aducm360_page_erase(target, padd);
171  if (res != ERROR_OK)
172  break;
173  }
174  }
176  return res;
177 }
179 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
181  struct flash_bank *bank,
182  const uint8_t *buffer,
183  uint32_t offset,
184  uint32_t count)
185 {
186  struct target *target = bank->target;
187  uint32_t target_buffer_size = 8192;
188  struct working_area *helper;
189  struct working_area *target_buffer;
190  uint32_t address = bank->base + offset;
191  struct reg_param reg_params[8];
192  int retval = ERROR_OK;
193  uint32_t entry_point = 0, exit_point = 0;
194  uint32_t res;
195  struct armv7m_algorithm armv7m_algo;
197  static const uint32_t aducm360_flash_write_code[] = {
198  /* helper.code */
199  0x88AF4D10, 0x0704F047, 0x682F80AF, 0x600E6806,
200  0xF017882F, 0xF43F0F08, 0xF851AFFB, 0x42B77B04,
201  0x800DF040, 0x0004F100, 0xF47F3A04, 0x686FAFEF,
202  0x0704F027, 0xF04F80AF, 0xF0000400, 0xF04FB802,
203  0xBE000480, 0x40002800, 0x00015000, 0x20000000,
204  0x00013000
205  };
207  LOG_DEBUG("'aducm360_write_block_sync' requested, dst:0x%08" PRIx32 ", count:0x%08" PRIx32 "bytes.",
208  address, count);
210  /* ----- Check the destination area for a Long Word alignment ----- */
211  if (((count%4) != 0) || ((offset%4) != 0)) {
212  LOG_ERROR("write block must be multiple of four bytes in offset & length");
213  return ERROR_FAIL;
214  }
216  /* ----- Allocate space in the target's RAM for the helper code ----- */
217  if (target_alloc_working_area(target, sizeof(aducm360_flash_write_code),
218  &helper) != ERROR_OK) {
219  LOG_WARNING("no working area available, can't do block memory writes");
221  }
223  /* ----- Upload the helper code to the space in the target's RAM ----- */
224  uint8_t code[sizeof(aducm360_flash_write_code)];
225  target_buffer_set_u32_array(target, code, ARRAY_SIZE(aducm360_flash_write_code),
226  aducm360_flash_write_code);
227  retval = target_write_buffer(target, helper->address, sizeof(code), code);
228  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
229  return retval;
230  entry_point = helper->address;
232  /* ----- Allocate space in the target's RAM for the user application's object code ----- */
233  while (target_alloc_working_area_try(target, target_buffer_size, &target_buffer) != ERROR_OK) {
234  LOG_WARNING("couldn't allocate a buffer space of 0x%08" PRIx32 "bytes in the target's SRAM.",
235  target_buffer_size);
236  target_buffer_size /= 2;
237  if (target_buffer_size <= 256) { /* No room available */
238  LOG_WARNING("no large enough working area available, can't do block memory writes");
241  }
242  }
244  /* ----- Prepare the target for the helper ----- */
245  armv7m_algo.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC;
246  armv7m_algo.core_mode = ARM_MODE_THREAD;
248  init_reg_param(&reg_params[0], "r0", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*SRC */
249  init_reg_param(&reg_params[1], "r1", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*DST */
250  init_reg_param(&reg_params[2], "r2", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*COUNT */
251  init_reg_param(&reg_params[3], "r3", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*not used */
252  init_reg_param(&reg_params[4], "r4", 32, PARAM_IN); /*RESULT */
254  /* ===== Execute the Main Programming Loop! ===== */
255  while (count > 0) {
256  uint32_t thisrun_count = (count > target_buffer_size) ? target_buffer_size : count;
258  /* ----- Upload the chunk ----- */
259  retval = target_write_buffer(target, target_buffer->address, thisrun_count, buffer);
260  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
261  break;
262  /* Set the arguments for the helper */
263  buf_set_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32, target_buffer->address); /*SRC */
264  buf_set_u32(reg_params[1].value, 0, 32, address); /*DST */
265  buf_set_u32(reg_params[2].value, 0, 32, thisrun_count); /*COUNT */
266  buf_set_u32(reg_params[3].value, 0, 32, 0); /*NOT USED*/
268  retval = target_run_algorithm(target, 0, NULL, 5,
269  reg_params, entry_point, exit_point, 10000, &armv7m_algo);
270  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
271  LOG_ERROR("error executing aducm360 flash write algorithm");
272  break;
273  }
275  res = buf_get_u32(reg_params[4].value, 0, 32);
276  if (res) {
277  LOG_ERROR("aducm360 fast sync algorithm reports an error (%02" PRIX32 ")", res);
278  retval = ERROR_FAIL;
279  break;
280  }
282  buffer += thisrun_count;
283  address += thisrun_count;
284  count -= thisrun_count;
285  }
287  target_free_working_area(target, target_buffer);
290  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[0]);
291  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[1]);
292  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[2]);
293  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[3]);
294  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[4]);
296  return retval;
297 }
299 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
301  struct flash_bank *bank,
302  const uint8_t *buffer,
303  uint32_t offset,
304  uint32_t count)
305 {
306  struct target *target = bank->target;
307  uint32_t target_buffer_size = 1024;
308  struct working_area *helper;
309  struct working_area *target_buffer;
310  uint32_t address = bank->base + offset;
311  struct reg_param reg_params[9];
312  int retval = ERROR_OK;
313  uint32_t entry_point = 0, exit_point = 0;
314  uint32_t res;
315  uint32_t wcount;
316  struct armv7m_algorithm armv7m_algo;
318  static const uint32_t aducm360_flash_write_code[] = {
319  /* helper.code */
320  0x4050F8DF, 0xF04588A5, 0x80A50504, 0x8000F8D0,
321  0x0F00F1B8, 0x8016F000, 0x45476847, 0xAFF6F43F,
322  0x6B04F857, 0x6B04F842, 0xF0158825, 0xF43F0F08,
323  0x428FAFFB, 0xF100BF28, 0x60470708, 0xB10B3B01,
324  0xBFE4F7FF, 0xF02588A5, 0x80A50504, 0x0900F04F,
325  0xBE00BF00, 0x40002800, 0x20000000, 0x20000100,
326  0x00013000
327  };
329  LOG_DEBUG("'aducm360_write_block_async' requested, dst:0x%08" PRIx32 ", count:0x%08" PRIx32 "bytes.",
330  address, count);
332  /* ----- Check the destination area for a Long Word alignment ----- */
333  if (((count%4) != 0) || ((offset%4) != 0)) {
334  LOG_ERROR("write block must be multiple of four bytes in offset & length");
335  return ERROR_FAIL;
336  }
337  wcount = count/4;
339  /* ----- Allocate space in the target's RAM for the helper code ----- */
340  if (target_alloc_working_area(target, sizeof(aducm360_flash_write_code),
341  &helper) != ERROR_OK) {
342  LOG_WARNING("no working area available, can't do block memory writes");
344  }
346  /* ----- Upload the helper code to the space in the target's RAM ----- */
347  uint8_t code[sizeof(aducm360_flash_write_code)];
348  target_buffer_set_u32_array(target, code, ARRAY_SIZE(aducm360_flash_write_code),
349  aducm360_flash_write_code);
350  retval = target_write_buffer(target, helper->address, sizeof(code), code);
351  if (retval != ERROR_OK)
352  return retval;
353  entry_point = helper->address;
355  /* ----- Allocate space in the target's RAM for the user application's object code ----- */
356  while (target_alloc_working_area_try(target, target_buffer_size, &target_buffer) != ERROR_OK) {
357  LOG_WARNING("couldn't allocate a buffer space of 0x%08" PRIx32 "bytes in the target's SRAM.",
358  target_buffer_size);
359  target_buffer_size /= 2;
360  if (target_buffer_size <= 256) { /* No room available */
361  LOG_WARNING("no large enough working area available, can't do block memory writes");
364  }
365  }
367  /* ----- Prepare the target for the helper ----- */
368  armv7m_algo.common_magic = ARMV7M_COMMON_MAGIC;
369  armv7m_algo.core_mode = ARM_MODE_THREAD;
371  init_reg_param(&reg_params[0], "r0", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*SRCBEG */
372  init_reg_param(&reg_params[1], "r1", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*SRCEND */
373  init_reg_param(&reg_params[2], "r2", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*DST */
374  init_reg_param(&reg_params[3], "r3", 32, PARAM_OUT); /*COUNT (LWs)*/
375  init_reg_param(&reg_params[4], "r9", 32, PARAM_IN); /*RESULT */
377  buf_set_u32(reg_params[0].value, 0, 32, target_buffer->address);
378  buf_set_u32(reg_params[1].value, 0, 32, target_buffer->address + target_buffer->size);
379  buf_set_u32(reg_params[2].value, 0, 32, address);
380  buf_set_u32(reg_params[3].value, 0, 32, wcount);
382  retval = target_run_flash_async_algorithm(target, buffer, wcount, 4,
383  0, NULL,
384  5, reg_params,
385  target_buffer->address, target_buffer->size,
386  entry_point, exit_point,
387  &armv7m_algo);
388  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
389  LOG_ERROR("error executing aducm360 flash write algorithm");
390  } else {
391  res = buf_get_u32(reg_params[4].value, 0, 32); /*RESULT*/
392  if (res) {
393  LOG_ERROR("aducm360 fast async algorithm reports an error (%02" PRIX32 ")", res);
394  retval = ERROR_FAIL;
395  }
396  }
398  target_free_working_area(target, target_buffer);
401  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[0]);
402  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[1]);
403  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[2]);
404  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[3]);
405  destroy_reg_param(&reg_params[4]);
407  return retval;
408 }
410 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
411 /* If this fn returns ERROR_TARGET_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, then the caller can fall
412  * back to another mechanism that does not require onboard RAM
413  *
414  * Caller should not check for other return values specifically
415  */
417  const uint8_t *buffer,
418  uint32_t offset,
419  uint32_t count)
420 {
421  int choice = 0;
423  switch (choice) {
424  case 0:
426  case 1:
428  default:
429  LOG_ERROR("aducm360_write_block was cancelled (no writing method was chosen)!");
431  }
432 }
434 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
435 #define FEESTA_WRDONE 0x00000008
438  const uint8_t *buffer,
439  uint32_t offset,
440  uint32_t count)
441 {
442  uint32_t value;
443  int res = ERROR_OK;
444  uint32_t i, j, a, d;
445  struct target *target = bank->target;
447  LOG_DEBUG("performing slow write (offset=0x%08" PRIx32 ", count=0x%08" PRIx32 ")...",
448  offset, count);
450  /* Enable the writing to the flash */
453  /* Clear any old status */
456  for (i = 0; i < count; i += 4) {
457  a = offset+i;
458  for (j = 0; i < 4; i += 1)
459  *((uint8_t *)(&d) + j) = buffer[i+j];
460  target_write_u32(target, a, d);
461  do {
463  } while (!(value & FEESTA_WRDONE));
464  }
467  return res;
468 }
470 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
471 static int aducm360_write(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
472 {
473  int retval;
475  /* try using a block write */
477  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
479  /* if block write failed (no sufficient working area),
480  * use normal (slow) JTAG method */
481  LOG_WARNING("couldn't use block writes, falling back to single memory accesses");
484  if (retval != ERROR_OK) {
485  LOG_ERROR("slow write failed");
487  }
488  }
489  }
490  return retval;
491 }
493 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
494 static int aducm360_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
495 {
496  return ERROR_OK;
497 }
499 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
500 /* sets FEECON0 bit 2
501  * enable = 1 enables writes & erases, 0 disables them */
502 static int aducm360_set_write_enable(struct target *target, int enable)
503 {
504  /* don't bother to preserve int enable bit here */
505  uint32_t value;
508  if (enable)
509  value |= 0x00000004;
510  else
511  value &= ~0x00000004;
514  return ERROR_OK;
515 }
517 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
518 /* wait up to timeout_ms for controller to not be busy,
519  * then check whether the command passed or failed.
520  *
521  * this function sleeps 1ms between checks (after the first one),
522  * so in some cases may slow things down without a usleep after the first read */
523 static int aducm360_check_flash_completion(struct target *target, unsigned int timeout_ms)
524 {
525  uint32_t v = 1;
527  int64_t endtime = timeval_ms() + timeout_ms;
528  while (1) {
530  if ((v & 0x00000001) == 0)
531  break;
532  alive_sleep(1);
533  if (timeval_ms() >= endtime)
534  break;
535  }
537  if (!(v & 0x00000004)) /* b2 */
538  return ERROR_FAIL;
540  return ERROR_OK;
541 }
543 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
544 const struct flash_driver aducm360_flash = {
545  .name = "aducm360",
546  .flash_bank_command = aducm360_flash_bank_command,
547  .erase = aducm360_erase,
548  .write = aducm360_write,
549  .read = default_flash_read,
550  .probe = aducm360_probe,
551  .auto_probe = aducm360_probe,
552  .erase_check = default_flash_blank_check,
553 };
Definition: aducm360.c:43
Definition: aducm360.c:62
Definition: aducm360.c:46
static int aducm360_probe(struct flash_bank *bank)
Definition: aducm360.c:494
static int aducm360_mass_erase(struct target *target)
Definition: aducm360.c:94
Definition: aducm360.c:45
static int aducm360_write_block(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
Definition: aducm360.c:416
Definition: aducm360.c:44
Definition: aducm360.c:42
Definition: aducm360.c:41
Definition: aducm360.c:49
static int aducm360_write(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
Definition: aducm360.c:471
static int aducm360_write_block_async(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
Definition: aducm360.c:300
static int aducm360_set_write_enable(struct target *target, int enable)
Definition: aducm360.c:502
Definition: aducm360.c:435
static int aducm360_page_erase(struct target *target, uint32_t padd)
Definition: aducm360.c:123
const struct flash_driver aducm360_flash
Definition: aducm360.c:544
static int aducm360_write_modified(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
Definition: aducm360.c:437
static int aducm360_write_block_sync(struct flash_bank *bank, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
Definition: aducm360.c:180
static int aducm360_erase(struct flash_bank *bank, unsigned int first, unsigned int last)
Definition: aducm360.c:155
Definition: aducm360.c:72
static int aducm360_check_flash_completion(struct target *target, unsigned int timeout_ms)
Definition: aducm360.c:523
static int aducm360_build_sector_list(struct flash_bank *bank)
Definition: aducm360.c:75
void init_reg_param(struct reg_param *param, const char *reg_name, uint32_t size, enum param_direction direction)
Definition: algorithm.c:29
void destroy_reg_param(struct reg_param *param)
Definition: algorithm.c:38
Definition: algorithm.h:16
Definition: algorithm.h:15
Definition: arm.h:94
Definition: armv7m.h:224
Support functions to access arbitrary bits in a byte array.
static uint32_t buf_get_u32(const uint8_t *_buffer, unsigned int first, unsigned int num)
Retrieves num bits from _buffer, starting at the first bit, returning the bits in a 32-bit word.
Definition: binarybuffer.h:104
static void buf_set_u32(uint8_t *_buffer, unsigned int first, unsigned int num, uint32_t value)
Sets num bits in _buffer, starting at the first bit, using the bits in value.
Definition: binarybuffer.h:34
uint64_t buffer
Pointer to data buffer to send over SPI.
Definition: dw-spi-helper.h:0
uint32_t address
Starting address. Sector aligned.
Definition: dw-spi-helper.h:0
uint8_t bank
Definition: esirisc.c:135
Definition: flash/common.h:30
int default_flash_blank_check(struct flash_bank *bank)
Provides default erased-bank check handling.
int default_flash_read(struct flash_bank *bank, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
Provides default read implementation for flash memory.
void alive_sleep(uint64_t ms)
Definition: log.c:467
#define LOG_WARNING(expr ...)
Definition: log.h:130
#define ERROR_FAIL
Definition: log.h:174
#define LOG_ERROR(expr ...)
Definition: log.h:133
#define LOG_DEBUG(expr ...)
Definition: log.h:110
#define ERROR_OK
Definition: log.h:168
unsigned int common_magic
Definition: armv7m.h:299
enum arm_mode core_mode
Definition: armv7m.h:301
Provides details of a flash bank, available either on-chip or through a major interface.
Definition: nor/core.h:75
Provides the implementation-independent structure that defines all of the callbacks required by OpenO...
Definition: nor/driver.h:39
const char * name
Gives a human-readable name of this flash driver, This field is used to select and initialize the dri...
Definition: nor/driver.h:44
Describes the geometry and status of a single flash sector within a flash bank.
Definition: nor/core.h:28
Definition: target.h:116
uint32_t size
Definition: target.h:87
target_addr_t address
Definition: target.h:86
int target_write_buffer(struct target *target, target_addr_t address, uint32_t size, const uint8_t *buffer)
Definition: target.c:2343
int target_run_algorithm(struct target *target, int num_mem_params, struct mem_param *mem_params, int num_reg_params, struct reg_param *reg_param, target_addr_t entry_point, target_addr_t exit_point, unsigned int timeout_ms, void *arch_info)
Downloads a target-specific native code algorithm to the target, and executes it.
Definition: target.c:774
int target_alloc_working_area(struct target *target, uint32_t size, struct working_area **area)
Definition: target.c:2061
int target_write_u32(struct target *target, target_addr_t address, uint32_t value)
Definition: target.c:2642
int target_free_working_area(struct target *target, struct working_area *area)
Free a working area.
Definition: target.c:2119
int target_alloc_working_area_try(struct target *target, uint32_t size, struct working_area **area)
Definition: target.c:1967
int target_run_flash_async_algorithm(struct target *target, const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t count, int block_size, int num_mem_params, struct mem_param *mem_params, int num_reg_params, struct reg_param *reg_params, uint32_t buffer_start, uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t entry_point, uint32_t exit_point, void *arch_info)
Streams data to a circular buffer on target intended for consumption by code running asynchronously o...
Definition: target.c:931
int target_read_u32(struct target *target, target_addr_t address, uint32_t *value)
Definition: target.c:2551
void target_buffer_set_u32_array(struct target *target, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t count, const uint32_t *srcbuf)
Definition: target.c:417
Definition: target.h:794
int64_t timeval_ms(void)
#define ARRAY_SIZE(x)
Compute the number of elements of a variable length array.
Definition: types.h:57
#define NULL
Definition: usb.h:16
uint8_t offset[4]
Definition: vdebug.c:9
uint8_t count[4]
Definition: vdebug.c:22