Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Cadapter_driverRepresents a driver for a debugging interface
 Cadapter_gpio_configConfiguration options for a single GPIO
 Cadiv5_apThis represents an ARM Debug Interface (v5) Access Port (AP)
 Cadiv5_dapThis represents an ARM Debug Interface (v5) Debug Access Port (DAP)
 CangieDescribes one driver instance
 Cangie_cmdANGIE command (ANGIE command queue element)
 CarmRepresents a generic ARM core, with standard application registers
 Carm11_sc7_actionUsed with arm11_sc7_run to make a list of read/write commands for scan chain 7
 Carm7_9_commonStructure for items that are common between both ARM7 and ARM9 targets
 Carm_dpmThis wraps an implementation of DPM primitives
 Carm_nand_dataThe arm_nand_data struct is used for defining NAND I/O operations on an ARM core
 Cat91sam9_nandPrivate data for the controller that is stored in the NAND device structure
 Cat91sam9_pinRepresentation of a pin on an AT91SAM9 chip
 Cbitbang_interfaceLow level callbacks (for bitbang)
 Cchibios_chdebugChibiOS/RT memory signature record
 Ccommand_invocationWhen run_command is called, a new instance will be created on the stack, filled with the proper values, and passed by reference to the required COMMAND_HANDLER routine
 Ccs_component_valsHolds registers and coordinates of a CoreSight component
 Cdap_opsTransport-neutral representation of queued DAP transactions, supporting both JTAG and SWD transports
 Cdw_spi_check_fillArguments for check_fill helper function
 Cdw_spi_driverDriver private state
 Cdw_spi_eraseArguments for erase helper function
 Cdw_spi_programArguments for program helper function
 Cdw_spi_readArguments for read helper function
 Cdw_spi_regmapIP block placement map
 Cdw_spi_transactionArguments for transaction helper function
 Cesp_algorithm_imageAPI defined below allows executing pieces of code on target without breaking the execution of the running program
 Cesp_algorithm_mem_argsAlgorithm stub in-memory arguments
 Cesp_algorithm_reg_argsAlgorithm stub register arguments
 Cesp_algorithm_run_dataAlgorithm run data
 Cesp_algorithm_stubAlgorithm stub data
 Cesp_dbg_stubsDebug stubs info
 Cesp_dbg_stubs_descDebug stubs descriptor
 Cesp_semihost_opsSemihost calls handling operations
 Cflash_bankProvides details of a flash bank, available either on-chip or through a major interface
 Cflash_driverProvides the implementation-independent structure that defines all of the callbacks required by OpenOCD flash drivers
 Cflash_sectorDescribes the geometry and status of a single flash sector within a flash bank
 Cjim_getopt_infoA TCL -ish GetOpt like code
 Cjim_nvpName Value Pairs, aka: NVP
 Cjtag_command_containerDefines a container type that hold a pointer to a JTAG command structure of any defined type
 Cjtag_event_callbackContains a single callback along with a pointer that will be passed when an event occurs
 Cjtag_interfaceRepresents a driver for a debugging interface
 Clpc2900_flash_bankPrivate data for lpc2900 flash driver
 Cnand_blockRepresentation of a single NAND block in a NAND device
 Cnand_flash_controllerInterface for NAND flash controllers
 Cniietcm4_flash_bankPrivate data for flash driver
 CnvpName Value Pairs, aka: NVP
 Crtp_opsActions/operations to be executed while parsing ROM tables
 Crtt_channelRTT channel
 Crtt_channel_infoRTT channel information
 Crtt_controlRTT control block
 Crtt_sourceRTT source
 Cscan_commandThe scan_command provide a means of encapsulating a set of scan_field structures that should be scanned in/out to the device
 Cscan_fieldThis structure defines a single scan field in the scan
 Csetup_dataUSB Control Setup Data
 Csymbol_table_elemTable should be terminated by an element with NULL in symbol_name
 Ctarget_typeThis holds methods shared between all instances of a given target type
 Ctms_commandEncapsulates a series of bits to be clocked out, affecting state and mode of the interface
 CtransportWrapper for transport lifecycle operations
 CulinkDescribes one driver instance
 Culink_cmdOpenULINK command (OpenULINK command queue element)
 Cusb_config_descriptorUSB Configuration Descriptor
 Cusb_device_descriptorUSB Device Descriptor
 Cusb_endpoint_descriptorUSB Endpoint Descriptor
 Cusb_interface_descriptorUSB Interface Descriptor
 Cusb_language_descriptorUSB Language Descriptor
 Cusb_string_descriptorUSB String Descriptor
 CxtensaRepresents a generic Xtensa core
 Cxtensa_algorithmXtensa algorithm data